How to prevent oil spillages and leakages during bunkering operation

Bunkering on ship

Oil spills and leaks in fuel operations are an important source of contamination from discharges from ships. Experience has shown that most of the bunkers spill and overflow, which can be attributed to human error.

It is important that all operations are carefully planned and fuel runs. It is to be noted that due to the heavy oil spill pollution is particularly harmful and difficult to clean.

The personnel involved in the bunkers on board does not have to have other tasks and must remain at their jobs during the filling process. This is particularly important when the simultaneous loading with loading cargo, should avoid conflicts of interest between the operating staff.

Safe storage procedures:

Ship operators should require that all fuel operations are controlled in a process that is part of the ship safety management systems. The procedure must ensure that it is linked to the risks associated with the operation and controls in place to mitigate these risks. The procedure should also take into account emergency measures for loss containment. The operator should take into account when developing the process:

1. Determine that there is enough space for the volume of loaded cargo spaces.
2.Controls for the system valves hold.
3. Determination of the load factor for the beginning of the load, mass and auction sold.
4.Arrangements of bunker tank ventilation.
5.Tank overflow internal arrangements.
6.Setting alarm override alarm units.
7. Communicate with the terminal to determine when you are making fuel.
8. Communication Provider Bunker before the loading process to establish and start recording and how the quantity and quality controls can be carried out, especially if secure access between the ship and a barge is required.
9. Bunker management practices have dealings or may have a H2S salary.
10.Testing procedure to determine the presence of hydrocarbons or H2S vapor.
11.Method Determination temperature Bunker during charging.
12. A communication procedure for operation, including the emergency stop.
13.Monitoring of the bunkering operation and checking it conforms to the agreed procedure
14.Changing to tanks during charging.
15. Establish a maximum load volume for all reservoirs.
16. Special precautions for loading in double-bottomed tanks.
17. Having made arrangements for retention and cleaning equipment.
18. Requirement management to ensure safe operation.

After the intervention, a checklist must be implemented.

Bunkering Safeties and responsibility

Responsibility of personnel engaged in bunkering operation:

The staff on board who is appointed to manage the operation of the fuel should not be involved in other operations. Spills are often caused by the staff distracted from another task. Before the start of the operation carried out all the controls and preload checked communication systems the work. The loading rate should be checked regularly.

Care should be taken when switching from tank to tank to ensure that excessive pressure is not applied to the rows of pipes or load. When filling tanks, it reduces the loading speed, reduce the possibility of air pockets in the container to the mist caused by the ventilation openings is transported and to minimize the risk that the supplier is enough to not stop quickly.

At the end of loading, all pipes and hoses should be drained before being separated into the tank or, if necessary, back to the barge. The practice of air ducts in the fuel tanks blows is common but a high risk of causing a spill when the tank is full and has only enough space to end the load.

To the responsibility for the security of the operations, while a ship bunker reception barge is shared the captains of the tanker and barge jointly. Fuel exploitation of responsibility is usually delegated to certain officials responsible for the boat and the barge. Before the bunking commissioning, the responsible should:

•Agree in writing on the handling procedures including the maximum transfer rates.
•Agree in writing on the action to be taken in the event of an emergency during transfer operations.
•Complete and sign the Bunkering Safety Check List.

Safety Manual List Bunkers Tax

The checklist uses security bugs to assign responsibility and accountability. Acceptance is confirmed by ticking or part of the box and finally signing the declaration. Once signed, the minimum basis for safe operation agreed by the mutual exchange of critical information is described in detail. Certain statements in the checklist are considerations that the ship is solely in charge of and responsibility, some of which the barge's sole responsibility and liability and other attribute responsibility and shared responsibility. The gray grades are used to identify statements that are not universally applicable to a party, even if the ship or the barge can create such sections if they so wish.

The division of responsibility and accountability does not mean that the other party's behavioral examinations exclude compliance. The division of responsibility and accountability allows a clear identification of the party responsible for the first compliance and continuing education throughout the transfer activity.

The responsible persons completing the checklist should be the people carrying out the bunkering operation.

The tankers representative should personally check all considerations lying within the responsibility of the tanker. Likewise, all considerations that are the responsibility of the boats must be personally monitored by the representative of the barge. In their responsibility, representatives must ensure that the security standards on both sides of the transaction are acceptable. This can be achieved by means such as:
i) Confirming that a competent person has satisfactorily completed the checklist.
ii) Sighting appropriate records.
iii) By joint inspection, where deemed appropriate.

Before the start of operations, and sometimes for mutual safety, member barge of the staff and, if necessary, a responsible official will perform inspections of the barge and carry out the vessel to ensure that his obligations, list, they are treated effectively.

The safety cabin list contains the following sections:

1. Bunkers to be transferred

A joint agreement on the amount and degree of the bunker transferred and the agreed transfer rate and the maximum return pressure.

2. The fee for the loading tanks

Identification of bear tanks sufficient space to ensure it is safe to transfer the bunker. A space for receiving the maximum filling volumes of each container and the volume provided.

3. Control barge before going to berthing

This section will be checked before the ship is next to the ship.

4. Checks before transfer

This section will perform controls to be presented jointly before the transfer activities.

Check list

Safety checks prior to berthing

1. The barge has obtained the necessary permits to go to the receiving container.

2. Mudguards have been checked, are in good condition and there is no way to metal against metal contact.

3. When fairly reasonable electrical insulation compound be present on the barge / boat.

4. All keep hoses in good condition and are suitable for the desired service.

5. The Ship is safely anchored.

6. It is a safe means of access between the ship and the barge

7. Effective communication has been placed in the place between the officials. (VHF / UHF .......... Ch)
Primary System: Backup system: emergency stop signal .

8. It is an effective clock on the barge and ship storage bunkers.

9. Firefighting hoses and fire extinguishers against fire on board the barge and the vessel are ready for immediate use.

10. All culverts are blocked. Detachable connectors at all times. The drip cups are in position around  the fuel tank vent openings.

11. Bunker connections are empty and completely screwed.

12.The transfer hose is properly rigged and fully bolted and secured to manifolds on ship and barge.

13. The valve housing is connected to the charging system, the holder of the engine compartment and bunker lines is closed and sealed.

14.All cargo and bunker tank hatch lids are closed.

15. The content of the bunk tank is not monitored at intervals. Supply oil spill clean

16.There is a supply of oil spill clean up material readily available for immediate use.

17. Radars are switched off.

18. The radio is in low power.

Author Amit                                                                                      Article Requested By: David


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