Minimum requirements for certification of officer in charge of an engineering watch in a manned engine room or designated duty engineer in a periodically unmanned engine room ( Marine Engineer Officer Class IV)
1. Every officer in charge of an engineer watch serving on a sea- going ship powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 KW propulsion power or more shall hold an appropriate certificate of contemporary in form 8.
2. Every candidate for the certification shall -(i) be not less than 18 years of age on the last date prescribed for receipt of application;
(ii) have completed approved education and training for a period of at least thirty months as provided in an approved training and assessment programme including on-board training documented in an approved training record book and meet the standards of competence as specified in section A-III/1 of the STCW Code;
(iii) have completed approved sea-going service for a period of not less than six months in the Engine Department of a sea -going ship powered by main propulsion machinery of 750KW propulsion power or more, closely supervised and monitored by a marine Engineer Officer Class I or an officer of the Engine Department holding certificate of competency under rule 5 and which is duly documented in an approved training examination, assessments and meets the standard of competence as specified in section A-III/1 of the STCW Code.
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Author marineGuru
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