Working Principle of Fresh Water Generator on Board Ship

Working Principle of Fresh Water Generator on Board Ship
Fresh water generator(FWG) is one of the essential machineries on board ship, After-all a large amount of fresh water is utilized on ship every day. On board ship Fresh water is used for the most part by huge boilers having steam turbines as main...

Ship side valve Functions, Definitions and Specification

Ship side valve Functions, Definitions and Specification
p { margin-bottom: 0.25cm; line-height: 120%The valves on the side of the ship / Ship-side valves on the top refer to valves that are connected to the hull, without having anything to medium with the valve on the side of the ship. During the dry...

How to do crude oil washing on ships in 10 easy steps

How to do crude oil washing on ships in 10 easy steps
COW or Crude Oil Washing cleans cargo tanks with jets of high pressure oil when the ship is unloaded. The crude oil is pumped through the washing machines to the jets and serves as a cleaning agent which is then pumped to land with the load/Product...

How inert gas is produced on board ship?

How inert gas is produced on board ship?
The Inert gas is produced in the IGG by the combustion of fuel with air. Marine diesel oil (MDO) or MGO is drawn from the storage tank and pumped through a filter to the main burners. A blower delivers the air necessary for combustion. Oil and air...

How to apply for marine engineering | Admission

 How to apply for marine engineering | Admission
A Naval/Marine engineer has too many tasks and duties to take over. A marine engineer has all the functions and marine engines to check. In short, a naval engineer is a person who deals with everything related to the ship, from small things...

Hard to get a job as TME or Deck Cadet ? | Getting started on job hunt

Hard to get a job as TME or Deck Cadet ? | Getting started on job hunt
For the past few years, I have been noticing how difficult it has been to get a job as trainee marine engineer or deck cadet on ship after completing marine engineering or nautical science course even from a well recognised maritime institute....

How is Marine Engineering as a career? | Explained

 How is Marine Engineering as a career? | Explained
Transport and transportation are the backbone of modern global economic outlooks and global prosperity. Ships are what the world traffic is based on, which  account for 90% of the total movement of fresh products in the world than any...