Disclaimer and copyright policy.

Disclaimer Statement

The information contained here is provided as a public service and for educational purposes only. The views, Article and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the Authors. It has been far most true and in general with the understanding that Blog owner makes no warranties, either expressed or implied, concerning the accuracy, completeness, reliability, or suitability of the information. Nor does warrant that the information provided here by the author is 100% unique, it is being taken care of that there should be no duplicate content be present on this blog as far as possible but one cannot say the sun rise from east in a different way, just like that some facts and basic knowledge on a subject is common one cannot rewrite that with different approach, yes but it can be written in a different way easy way with more useful material and a different way of expression.
So if you Find any thing more than 5-6% duplicate content contact us we will remove that post or short out our differences but as i said above that basic things in marine engineering cant be changed nor their terms description so ignore any duplication up-to 5-6%.

Copyright Policy

We respect the work of the authors and so respect the copyright of any person or organization. It has been taken care of that no duplicate content be published from this blog. But the blog owner is not responsible for any duplicate content published by any of our AUTHORS, It is the sole responsibility of the author itself. Under DMCA we are bound to take action against the author, removing him and his posts from the blog.

In case of any copyright claim please write us two letters, one for the Admin and one for the author itself. The blog owner is responsible for the case if he fails to react or delete the post in 36 hrs from the mail received.

# We take action deleting post and removing author within hours after receiving your Complain. 

#NOTE: No copyright claim will be considered valid for less than 6% of copied material under fair use policy.

Sample Mail:

1.To the Admin:

Dear Admin

Greetings of the day!!

This email is to bring to your notice about an article published in your web blog -xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx by author xxxxxxxxxx, We have detected more than X% of content copied from our article- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

We request you to remove or modify the article as per DMCA  as we are member of the same or provide credit to xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx with a link back to original article. (only send this if you are happy with just a back link to your website/post with your name mentioned And would not take further action if done so.)

We appreciate your contribution towards the maritime community but request you to respect the copyrights of our author's work.

Awaiting a positive and immediate response.

Thanks & Regards


 2. To the Author:

Dear Author,

We just now received a Plagiarism Alert on our article:

The copied source indicted by the software is your webpage posted under your name.

We really do not want to report this to your blog admin, which may lead to suspension as author on the blog and to the Google blogger service leading to suspension of your Google account.  As an ethical blogger in the community, this will be our final warning.

We wish you nothing less than success, which can be achieved only taking the right path.



# To know all our authors with their email id click here.